Presentations from the International Regulatory Conference 2022
Session 1 – Regulatory Challanges
- Macedonian Telecom Market and Regulatory Challenges about 5G – prof. d-r Predrag Trpeski and prof. d-r Daniela Bojadjieva (Faculty of Economics-Skopje)
- EU-WB Roaming Cost Reduction Process – Ms. Milena Jocic Tanaskovic (RCC) and Mr. Marjan Pejovski (AEC)
- Age of Regulation – Mr. Vladimir Ristevski (A1 Makedonija)
- OTT Fairshare – Mr. Blagoj Hristov (Makedonski Telekom)
- Overview of the Electronic Communication Services in Serbia – Mr. Aleksandar Mandic (RATEL)
Session 2 – 5G
- 5G Technologies and the Road Towards 6G – prof. d-r Venceslav Kafedjiski (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies-Skopje
- 5G Auction in Macedonia – Mr. Jane Jakimovski (AEC)
- National QoS Report and 5G Deployment in Macedonia – Mr. Jonche Grozdanoski (AEC)
- RATEL EMF Measurements – Mr. Vidak Otasevic (RATEL)
- Developing 5G Ecosystem in Montenegro – Ms. Ana Vukcevic (EKIP)
Session 3 – Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity in MKD: Proactive Approach in Identifying Incidents, Risks, Threats and Vulnerabilities – Mr. Aleksandar Acev (AEC)
- Monitoring Cyber Security Trends in ICT Systems of Special Importance – Ms. Jelica Vujadinovic (RATEL)
- The Rules for the Minimum Security Requirements of Public Electronic Communications Networks and Services and Risk Management Methods – Mr. Danail Nikolov (CRC)
- PowerProtect Cyber Recovery: Protect your most valuable company assets from ransomware and other cyber threats – d-r Jovan Pehchevski (Dell Technologies)
- Migration of Critical Communications Towards 5G and Data Oriented Networks and Their Hardening – Mr. Dragan Mushkinja (Netra)
Session 4 – Broadband
- The Benefits and Regulation Approach for Broadband Internet Access – d-r Boris Arsov (AEC)
- Overview of Broadband access in Montenegro – Ms. Mirjana Smolovic (EKIP)